
EWS donates €20,000 to flood victims

EWS employees had the opportunity to voluntarily work on Saturdays and donate their working hours or individually donate money to the aid organization "Aktion Deutschland Hilft". EWS multiplied the amounts by a factor of 2 and now donates them to aid organizations on site. 

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Almost 300 hours were accumulated over two days of Saturday work! In addition, donations from employees were also doubled. Together, through the campaign "EWS.HILFT! - Hochwasser-Katastrophe Deutschland" (Flood Disaster Germany), we have collected a proud €20,000 and can thus do good for people who have lost everything in the flood disaster and are left with nothing. Many thanks to all who have contributed to this!

Helfen auch Sie und unterstützen Menschen in Not mit einer Spende!

„Aktion Deutschland Hilft“, ein Bündnis deutscher Hilfsorganisationen:

Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.

DE62 3702 0500 0000 1020 30


You too can help and support people in need with a donation!

"Aktion Deutschland Hilft," an alliance of German aid organizations:

Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.

IBAN: DE62 3702 0500 0000 1020 30


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